Translate プロシージャー



次の表に、この AI タスクを使用する際に設定する必要があるプロパティ (アクセスに必要な資格情報) を示します。

プロバイダー Id Key SecretKey
Alibaba - 用户AccessKey 用户AccessKey
Amazon - Translate Translate
Baidu 通用翻译 通用翻译 通用翻译
Google - Cloud Translation API -
IBM - Language Translator -
Microsoft - Translator Text -
SAP - Sandbox Environment -
Tencent 文本翻译 文本翻译 -

下記の表に、次のテキスト (スペイン語) を入力とした場合に行われる翻訳 (英語へ) とその処理の所要時間をプロバイダー別に示します。
"La primera pregunta que surge es: ¿Qué es GeneXus? GeneXus es una herramienta que genera programas de software automáticamente, tales como aplicaciones para la Web y Smart Devices, siempre a la vanguardia de la evolución tecnológica."
プロバイダー 出力 ベンチマーク
Alibaba "The first question that arises is: what is GeneXus? GeneXus is a tool that automatically generates software programs such as web applications and smart devices, always at the forefront of technological evolution." 1621ms
Amazon "The first question that arises is: What is GeneXus? GeneXus is a tool that generates software programs automatically, such as Web applications and Smart Devices, always at the forefront of technological evolution." 1347ms
Baidu "The first question that arises is: What is GeneXus? GeneXus is a tool that automatically generates software programs such as web applications and Smart Devices, always at the forefront of Technological Development." 1924ms
Google "The first question that arises is: What is GeneXus? GeneXus is a tool that generates software programs automatically, such as applications for the Web and Smart Devices, always at the forefront of technological evolution" 1895ms
IBM "The first question that emerges is: What is GeneXus? GeneXus is a tool that generates software programs automatically, such as Web applications and Smart Devices, always at the forefront of technological evolution." 1967ms
Microsoft "The first question that arises is: what is GeneXus? GeneXus is a tool that generates software programs automatically, such as applications for the WEB and Smart devices, always at the forefront of technological evolution" 2912ms
SAP "The first question that arises is: What is GeneXus? GeneXus is a tool that generates software programs automatically, such as applications for the Web and Smart Devices, always at the forefront of technological developments." 6313ms
Tencent "The first question that arises is: What is GeneXus? GeneXus is a tool that generates software, such as Web applications and Smart Devics, always at the forefront of technological evolution." 3353ms

  • 言語翻訳のペアに関する公式ドキュメント:
    プロバイダー 言語
    Alibaba 121 ペア
    Amazon 417 ペア
    Baidu 756 ペア (元の言語が 28、翻訳後の言語が 27)
    Google 195 ペア
    IBM 33 ペア
    Microsoft  40 ペア
    SAP 92 ペア
    Tencent 16 ペア
    言語翻訳は Language ドメインの値で制限されます。また、言語バリアントは使用できません。
  • 次のプロバイダーは元の言語の自動認識 (値 Language.None での &sourceLanguage 入力) をサポートしています:


対応しているプラットフォーム: Web (.NET、.NET Core、Java)、スマートデバイス (Android、iOS)
接続 オンライン


このプロシージャーは、GeneXus 16 以降で利用できます。


Created: 19/03/25 18:00 by Admin Last update: 20/01/19 17:50 by Admin
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